Submit a Complaint

NERC or ReliabilityFirst may receive Complaints alleging violations of a Reliability Standard.  ReliabilityFirst reviews each Complaint it receives to determine if it provides sufficient basis for additional action. 

  • If the Complaint is submitted to NERC, NERC will forward the information to ReliabilityFirst, as appropriate. 
  • All anonymous Complaints will be reviewed, and any resulting compliance monitoring activity taken by ReliabilityFirst and/or NERC will be conducted to prevent disclosure of the identity of the complainant. 

A Compliance Investigation may be initiated by ReliabilityFirst, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), or the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in response to a system disturbance, complaint, or possible violation of a Reliability Standard. 

  • A Compliance Investigation is a non-public, confidential process, unless FERC directs that it should be public or that certain information obtained in the Compliance Investigation should be publicly disclosed. 

If you have any questions regarding Complaints, please visit our Contact Us page and direct your question to the Compliance group. 


📄Complaint Form

Submit a Complaint

Complete the following fields and attach the Complaint Form above to submit information for ReliabilityFirst's review. Please contact the ReliabilityFirst office if an expedited review is being requested. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields. If you would like to remain anonymous, please enter "Anonymous" in the name and company fields and enter "" in the email field.
Max. file size: 50 MB.