Event Analysis & Reporting

Event Analysis program

Both the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and the Department of Energy (DOE) require certain system events to be reported within 24 hours (or by the end of the entity’s next business day if later than 24 hours). If your registered entity experiences a system disturbance, we encourage participation in the Event Analysis (EA) program. A representative from ReliabilityFirst’s Operational Analysis and Awareness (OAA) team will reach out to the submitter. For more information about the ERO Event Analysis Program and Process, please visit ERO EA Program. 


NERC Reliability Standard EOP-004, “Event Reporting”

Information on the reporting thresholds, the reporting form, and instructions for NERC Event Reporting are included in NERC standard EOP-004. Please submit a copy of any NERC Event report to ReliabilityFirst at disturbance@rfirstdev-c3d489f365-a7efgsa0fsabgpga.z01.azurefd.net and to NERC at systemawareness@NERC.net . 


DOE Form OE-417, “Emergency Incident and Disturbance Report”

The DOE’s Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability uses Form OE-417, “Emergency Incident and Disturbance Report,” to monitor major system incidents on electric power systems. Tracking disturbances that impact the integrated generating and transmission facilities is an important federal task along with examining issues associated with insufficient capacity reserves. The form collects information on electric emergency incidents and disturbances for DOE’s use in fulfilling its overall national security and other energy management responsibilities. 

Instructions – DOE Form OE-417 Instructions

Form – DOE Form OE-417

Please submit a copy by email, of your completed Form OE-417, “Emergency Incident and Disturbance Report,” to disturbance@rfirstdev-c3d489f365-a7efgsa0fsabgpga.z01.azurefd.net. 

If you are unable to email the form, please call our office directly during normal business hours at (216) 503-0600. After normal business hours please call our emergency number (216) 503-0646. 

Due to the alignment and similar reporting requirements, NERC and ReliabilityFirst will accept an OE-417 form in lieu of an EOP-004 form if the registered entity prefers; a copy of the OE-417 can be submitted in the same manner to disturbance@rfirstdev-c3d489f365-a7efgsa0fsabgpga.z01.azurefd.net. 


NERC Reliability Standard CIP-008-06, “Cyber Security — Incident Reporting and Response Planning”

In accordance with NERC Standard CIP-008-6, registered entities must comply with expanded incident reporting requirements around cyber-security. These reports must be submitted to the Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center (E-ISAC), and for some, the US Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (DHS CISA). If you have questions on CIP-008-6 reporting, you may contact the E-ISAC at operations@eisac.com or call 202-790-6000.