Community Appraisal
Building resilience at the community level
ReliabilityFirst can work with cities, villages, or townships in our footprint to assess their readiness, preparedness, and resource strength for long-term disruptions to electrical grid-power and other community threats.
We review information generally found in the public domain: city and utility websites, public mass-media records, city council meeting transcripts, etc., and use that to compare a community’s abilities, resources, and plans to those of neighboring areas. Ultimately, the goal is to assess, evaluate, and improve a community’s ability to organize resources and efficiently survive extended periods without grid power.
Another option we offer communities is for ReliabilityFirst to facilitate a community appraisal game. Inspired by board-games, the community appraisal game assigns community leadership roles to participants who take turns working together to strengthen community resources against internal and external threats. In addition to being a fun exercise and a team-building event for all members, the game is an interactive and engaging method to learn about ways communities can improve their organization to better respond to losses in grid power and other threats to community resources. Following completion, participants also receive a full report with our feedback on their preparedness and potential areas for improvement,
To learn more or to request a community appraisal, please visit the Contact Us page and direct the request or question(s) to the Entity Engagement department.